Have you met ALICE?


ALICE  is an acronym that stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.

United Way mobilizes communities to action so all can thrive. Many nonprofits use the Federal Poverty Line to determine if an individual qualifies for services. The Federal Poverty Line (FPL) is an outdated calculation and no longer provides accurate information about the number of people facing hardship across the country. Using the best available information on those who are struggling, the Texas ALICE Report offers an enhanced set of tools for stakeholders to measure the real challenges ALICE households face in trying to make ends meet. the ALICE Project develops these resources to move beyond stereotypes and judgments of "the poor." Instead, it encourages the use of data to inform programmatic and policy solutions for those households and their communities. 

United Way MSJC is working to assist individuals and families doing their best to make ends meet. Our organization supports local programs that assist families facing a Healthy Community, Youth Opportunities, Financial Stability, and Community Resiliency challenges. Moving forward, one of our key focus areas is supporting working families to thrive. 

This grant opportunity focuses on assisting working families that are Asset Limited, Income Constrained, and Employed (ALICE). These families live paycheck to paycheck, one flat tire or flu from financial disaster, but not eligible for assistance that requires Federal Poverty income levels. The ALICE database pulls information from census and research to identify a survival, poverty, or stability income for the local community. Families receiving assistance through ALICE grants must fall into the poverty or survival budget or show a substantial change from stability to one of those levels. Learn more about ALICE, and review the local county information outlining "who" ALICE is in Mid & South Jefferson County at


The Grant Application Deadline has been extended to September 20th at noon. Late applications will not be reviewed, no exceptions. Grant requests are restricted to a funding range of $5,000-$20,000.


Criteria to Apply

  • Eligibility & Selection Criteria Applicants must provide services within the United Way of Mid & South Jefferson jurisdiction (zip codes) 77619, 77627, 77640, 77641, 77642, 77643, 77651, 77655 & cities included Groves, Nederland, Port Arthur, Port Neches, and Sabine Pass. Any funds awarded will be restricted to programs and support of programs within those identified zip codes.
  • Applications will be reviewed only if the completed packet and all requested documentation are included at the time of submission. The committee will not review incomplete applications.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must currently receive United Way of Mid & South Jefferson County's Community Investment Grants.
  • An active local or regional governing board of adequate size, background, and diversity to represent the community, serving without compensation, holding regular, documented meetings (at least quarterly), and demonstrating effective administrative control.
  • Clearly stated, measurable objectives for programs seeking funding dating at least two years of services in the community.
  • Each program must relate to one of the United Way of Mid & South Jefferson County's four service pillars: Youth Opportunities, Healthy Communities, Household/Financial Stability, or Community Resilience. 
  • A satisfactory record of providing community services is demonstrated by two years of service utilized by the community, as evidenced by service utilization figures; individual program financing during this time comes from several sources (including at least one that is inherent to the community).
  • A categorized operating budget system that translates program plans into financial terms uses proper financial accounting procedures and regular annual financial reviews/audits.
  • There is evidence of consultation and cooperation with established, related agencies to prevent duplication of effort and achieve efficiency and economy of operation.
  • Programs available to community citizens without regard to race, religion, national origin, or political creed; Incorporated, non-profit corporation status under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Compliance with all applicable statutes, licensing, accreditation, and governmental code requirements.


  • August 15  - application opens
  • September 13th - application due at noon
  • October-November -  applications reviewed
  • December - grant awards announced
  • May - Report due for awardees


alice grant timeline